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My Te Araroa Gear List

Autorenbild: JustagermanHikerJustagermanHiker

Aktualisiert: 13. Nov. 2019

Most hikers get lighter from hike to hike. Well, looks like i'm not like most other hikers. My baseweight actually increased, even though i dropped some clothes. On the Te Araroa i'll be carrying a drone for the very first time. The drone itself and a spare battery alone make up some 800g of my total gear. Thats quite a lot, but i'd like to play around with that drone and get some on trail experience. If it gets to heavy, i might drop it in the course of the trail. Besides that, i only replaced a few items compared to my PCT gear.

You can find the detailed lighterpack list here:


514 Ansichten3 Kommentare

Aktuelle Beiträge

Alle ansehen

Te Araroa: Day 85-91

Te Araroa: Day 79-84

3 comentarios

Mila Stender
Mila Stender
22 jun 2021

Hey there - just got on your site and read your incredible story. I hope you are doing well and enjoying Montana by now. I’m the wilderness “guide” who visited with you at south pass.

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29 jun 2021
Contestando a

Hi Mila, ofc I remember you, and I still have your contact details here. I just made it to Montana. Currently resting in Ennis (I'm a bit behind on the blog, due to limited cell service in YNP), than hiking on to Butte. Hope you had a great board meeting at SPC

Me gusta

01 dic 2019

Wunderschöne Fotos!

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